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PELIN® Pendimethalin 450g/L CS Herbicide

Product Feature

Pendimethalin is a dinitroaniline selective pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide for application in dry soil fields, creating a layer in the top part of the soil. It mainly acts on weeds by inhibiting the division of meristematic cells. Without affecting the germination of the weed seeds, the product's action begins after the buds, stems and roots absorb the drug during the germination of the weed seeds. The weeds absorb the agent through the germinating buds, and after the agent enters the plant body, it binds to tubulin to inhibit mitosis of plant cells, thereby causing the death of the weeds. This product is a selective soil-covering herbicide widely used in cotton, corn, rice, potato, soybean, peanut, tobacco, and vegetable fields. It has a unique mode of action in eliminating weeds, broad spectrum, high safety to crops.


  • Advanced dosage form: This product uses microencapsulation technology to release the drug slowly in the field.

  • Broad herbicidal spectrum: It can effectively control a variety of annual grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds, such as barnyard-grass, crabgrass, green foxtail, sprangletop, goosegrass, goosefoot, edible amaranth, piemarker herb, purslane, chickweed and black nightshade.

  • High safety to crops and the environment: It is highly safe to most crops, has strong adsorption to soil, low mobility, and high resistance to leaching, and regular application will not cause crop damage. High efficiency and low toxicity: The duration of its effects is up to 45-60 days.

This product is a selective soil-covering herbicide widely used in cotton, corn, rice, potato, soybean, peanut, tobacco, and vegetable fields.

Annual gramineous weeds and some broadleaf weeds and sedges, including barnyard-grass, crabgrass, green foxtail, sprangletop, goosegrass, goosefoot, edible amaranth, piemarker herb, purslane, chickweed and black nightshade, rice flatsedge and variable flatsedge. It has better control effects on gramineous weeds than on broadleaf weeds, and poor effects on perennial weeds.