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BR ACTIVATOR® Brassinolide 0.01%SL, 0.01%SP Plant Growth Regulator

Product Feature

It is used as soluble concentrate for a variety of crops and a lot of orchard and fruit products. It can result in remarkable promotion of crops growth and productivity; and a promotion of ability of crops disease-resistant, salt-resistant and cold-resistant to alleviate the harmfulness caused by using of herbicides.


  • Promote growth, increase yield, and improve quality.

  • Promote the percentage of fruit setting and fruit's enlarging.

  • Increase seed setting percentage rate and fruits thousand kernel weight.

  • Improve the ability of cold resistance, drought resistance, and salt soil resistance, enhance growth recovery ability after flooding.

  • Improve the ability of disease resistance.

  • Regulate the differentiation among the plant.

  • Efficiently relieve harmful effect of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.

  • Improve the activity and vitality of seeds and germination percentage.

  • Efficiently prolong the duration time of natural preservation and transportation of fruits, vegetables and flowers when applied 5-10 days before harvest.

Rice, Cotton, Corn, Tea, Water melon, Banana, Wax apple, Grape, Peach, Pear, Cucumber, Chili.