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Check out CHICO Biological Products and Application Methods


BIO CUT: Bio Fertilizer for Quick Control of Nematodes


Bio-CutTM contains unique bio-stimulant produced by selected patented strains, which is high active to nematodes and can rapidly control their physiological activities. It is rich in organic amino acids and trace elements, which can quickly supply crop nutrition and promote growth of roots and seedlings.

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Product Advantages

  1. Rapidly Inhibiting Nematodes in Biological way in just 10 mins!

  2. Improve soil condition, reduce the transmission of soil-borne diseases in plant root!

  3. Safe to seedling root, used for most crops.

  4. Improve crop root health, increase yields.

ARPHA-GOLD®: Multi Functional Bio Soil Conditioner

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ARPHAGOLD® is a unique microbial fungus used to absorb and transfer nutrients to the root system. It can combine with the root system more quickly in the nursery to make the plant grow more evenly and the roots are healthier.

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ARPHAGOLD® increasing the contact area of the roots with the soil

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Product Advantages

1. Save up to 50% chemical or organic fertilizer.

2. Enhance drought resistance and salt water tolerance.

3. Help expand root system.

4. Resistance to nematodes.

5. Prevention on soil compaction.

6. Long shelf life - 3 years

7. Increasing yield.

COOSA®: Pioneering Bio Fertilizer With Dual Effects

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Exclusive by Chico, COOSA® fulfills the dual needs of crop nutrition and spider mite control for fields and gardens. With its dual benefits for crops, COOSA® can help reduce the cost of agricultural inputs.

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Bio-Amino: Bio Fertilizer For Diseases Resistance

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Bio-AminoTM was made by co-fermentation of fungus and bacteria. It has natural products of peptides amino acids, free amino acids and abundant natural biological stimulants.

Promote growth of crops

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1. Increase disease resistance: Bio-Amino was made by CHICO latest technology(Co-fermentation of fungus and bacteria), by biological symbiotic metabolic action, it can produce new bacteriostatic substances, growth-promoting substances and various kinds of secondary metabolites.

2. Provide nutrition: Bio-Amino has natural products of peptides amino acids, free amino acids and abundant natural biological stimulants. 

Curer: Organic Bio Fertilizer For Higher Fungi Disease

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CurerTM has a strong prevention and control effect on Powdery Mildew, Gray Mold, it has remarkably resistant to fungal diseases such as black spot, anthrax, downy mildew and leaf spot, it is most suitable for plants which suffered from powdery mildew and have developed resistance to fungicide.

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Product Advantages

1. It has both preventive and therapeutic effects.

2. CurerTM is free of any chemical ingredients and hormones, it is friendly to environment, humans, crop.

3. It significantly increases the number of nitrogen fixing bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria in crop leaves, improve the photosynthetic efficiency, promote plant growth and root development, thicken the stems and leaves, improve fruit setting rate and increase yield.

Chico Crop Science Co., Ltd

